Now Only $68
(1 Session/ 45 Mins)
- For body soreness, reduce swelling and pain. results visible after 1 session
- For obesity, edema-slimming effect visible after 1 session
- Alleviates menstrual cramps, irregular menstruation and other symptoms
- For body soreness, reduce swelling and pain. results visible after 1 session
- Lowering and stabilizing blood pressure
- Improvement of shoulder and cervical spondylosis, lumbar strain problems
- 加速代谢 瘦身
- 消炎抗菌 消肿止痛
- 针对感冒 过敏 湿疹 荨麻座
- 针对月经不调 痛经改善
- 降血压 使血压平稳
- 改善肩 颈椎病 腰劳损问题